Wednesday 29 September 2010

The Circus

The entertainment industry includes everything that's make-believe and/or makes us laugh, cry, become fearful, or happy or sad — or experience any other emotion because of what is happening before our eyes.

I call the circus entertainment at its finest, but there are those who would differ with me. Some want to classify the "entertainment industry" only as plays, movies, or television that employs actresses and actors to portray make-believe characters. That is simply too narrow a definition for me. I've stood in front of the monkey cage at the zoo and laughed harder than I did at the last comedy production that I attended.

The entertainment industry, in my opinion, includes anything and everything that provides entertainment — and that includes the circus.

The circus has it all. There's suspense (high wire acts), there's drama (trapeze acts), there's comedy (clowns), and the most amazing trained exotic animals you can imagine. That's entertainment. What else would you call it?

The circus isn't new. There was a circus in ancient Rome. There were horse shows, riding exhibitions, staged battles, and jugglers, acrobats, and trained animals. The Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey didn't think up the circus.

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